How to Grow Instagram Followers Organically

Lots of hair salons are fighting for customers these days. People have more choices than ever before, so you must find ways to get their attention and keep them coming back. These days, everyone uses social media, especially Instagram. It’s a great place to show off your salon and what you do best. Using Instagram…


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Lots of hair salons are fighting for customers these days. People have more choices than ever before, so you must find ways to get their attention and keep them coming back. These days, everyone uses social media, especially Instagram. It’s a great place to show off your salon and what you do best. Using Instagram correctly, you can attract new customers (and stylists) and keep your existing ones happy. In this blog, you will discover how to grow Instagram followers organically, making sure you build a strong and lasting community.

a woman's hand holding a phone that showcases Instagram Statistics

Organic vs. Inorganic Social Growth

Imagine you’re trying to build a steady stream of clients for your salon. There are two main ways to approach this online, like having two different types of clients. Organic and Inorganic (otherwise known as paid).

What is Organic Growth?

Organic growth is like building a loyal clientele through word-of-mouth recommendations. You consistently deliver amazing haircuts and styles, so your happy customers tell their friends and family about you.

Organic growth is how to get more engaged followers on Instagram. You create high-quality content that showcases your expertise and attracts people who are genuinely interested in your services.

It takes time and dedication, but by consistently posting engaging content and interacting with your followers, you build a community that trusts you and keeps coming back. 

What is Inorganic Growth?

Inorganic growth would be like paying to run an ad or “boost” a one-day discount promotion to attract new clients. You might get a big rush of people through the door, but they might not be the clients you want to keep in the long run. They might just be there for the deal, not necessarily the quality of your work.

Which Growth Tactic is Better? 

Both organic growth and paid promotion have pros and cons, and the “better” tactic depends on your specific goals and budget. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide.

Organic Growth:


  • Cost-effective: No upfront advertising costs.
  • Loyal Followers: Attracts people genuinely interested in your salon.
  • Long-lasting Benefits: Builds a strong foundation for your online presence.


  • Slower Growth: It takes time and consistent effort to see results.
  • Requires Strategy: Needs good content, hashtags, and engagement.

Paid Promotion:


  • Faster Results: Paid ads can quickly boost your follower count and reach.
  • Targeted Audience: Allows you to target specific demographics.
  • Highlight Promotions: This is a great way to promote special offers or events.


  • Costly: Requires ongoing investment in ads.
  • Temporary Boost: Followers might not be genuine or long-term.
  • Needs Organic Support: Paid ads work best with a good organic foundation.

Here’s when you might choose one over the other:

  • Focus on Organic Growth: If you’re new to Instagram or have a limited budget, focus on organic growth first. Get more information from SocialPilot on Instagram Organic Growth.
  • Boost Existing Efforts: Use paid promotion to level up your successful organic content or promote special deals.
  • Quick Visibility: Need a quick boost in followers or reach for a specific event? Paid ads can help.

The best approach?

We often get asked how to grow followers on Instagram organically, and we recommend you combine both! Use organic growth as your foundation, and layer in paid promotion strategically to get faster results when needed. This creates a strong, sustainable Instagram presence for your salon. 

Do you need an Instagram Strategy? Read these 8 Effective Social Media Strategies for Salons to help you.

Optimize Your Instagram Profile for Organic Growth

Screenshot of Salon 833's Instagram Profile and Bio Section.

It will take time to build if you want a large following for the long haul on Instagram. And if you want to build that following organically, patience is key. Luckily, building a following isn’t just about waiting around for people. If you are wondering how to get more followers on Instagram organically, here are a few tips you can implement today to boost your numbers:

Craft an Eye-Catching Bio.

  • Use your name section to include keywords to help potential clients find you.
  • Select the Business Category closest to your business type.
  • Include a link to your website and your contact info.
  • Highlight your unique services or values.
  • Keep it brief and simple. 

Choose the Right Profile Picture. Choose a crisp image with high resolution if it is a graphic and good lighting if it is a photograph.

A Screenshot of Collective Beauty Salon and Med Spa Instagrams Profile Bio.

Create Highlights. Use this feature to showcase before & after images, events hosted in your salon, or team members to keep your followers engaged. 

Collective Beauty Salon and Med Spa Story highlights to help them Grow Instagram Followers Organically

Content Strategies for Organic Growth

One crucial component of supporting your Instagram’s organic growth is posting meaningful content consistently. So, if you need a couple of engaging post ideas for Instagram, we’ve got you covered! 

Use High-Quality Visuals. There is no way around it. This is an industry where looks matter. Give your future clients a clear preview of what they have in store.

Incorporate Interactive Features. Polls, Quizzes, and Questions are your best friends. Gather insights into trends and preferences while learning from your community by asking for their feedback. 

Image if an Instagram Story using stickers and links

Utilize Instagram Stories. This more casual form of engagement allows you to give real-time updates while showcasing more of your personality.

Embrace Video Content: Reels, IGTV, and Live Videos. Videos often have higher engagement rates and help make your brand seem more “real” to your followers. It can give people a taste of what they might experience at your salon.

Engagement Techniques to Build Organic Growth

Engagement is crucial for sustaining organic growth. If you are wondering how to get more engaged followers on Instagram, keep reading for tips that will keep your followers coming back for more. 

  • Build a Community. Engage with your followers in meaningful ways. If you specialize in hair and makeup for weddings, share images of clients during their wedding ceremonies. If nails are your thing, consider sharing nail maintenance ideas that clients can implement between visits.  Allow customers to get to know you.
  • Respond Promptly. Having someone dedicated to responding to comments and direct messages helps build trust and helps your followers feel connected to you.
  • Use the Collab Option. Team up with your followers and fellow creators to co-author a post. This allows your collaborator’s followers to be shown your content, too!
  • Utilize User-Generated Content. Boost engagement by reposting what your followers share about their experience with you, starting your own hashtag trend, or sharing customer testimonials. 

Ready to try out even more techniques? 

If you are ready to improve your overall social media game, then be sure to check out our own guide here.

I don’t have time to manage social media. What else can I do? 

If working on all this feels like too much effort, along with your business responsibilities, that’s where we come in. Glammatic offers marketing support by helping you come up with engaging content ideas and helping more people find your services through our SEO solutions.

Got an example?

Glammatic has helped several salons like Izzazu. They are a Pittsburgh-based salon that now ranks #1 on local Google rankings. Check out what we did for them here


Remember, the beauty of the organic growth mindset when it comes to Instagram is that because it requires slow and steady efforts to build up, it also fosters a stronger, more sustained connection with your clientele. When you are ready to do so, you can enhance these efforts with paid advertising as well. 

If, at any point, it all gets to be too much to handle, don’t forget that Glammatic has your back! We are experts in organically growing Instagram followers. You can schedule a free consultation with us at any time.

Finally, don’t forget that it takes time to build a following on Instagram, just like it took time to build your salon! With dedication, time, and some of these tips in your back pocket, you are well on your way to building the digital community of your dreams. 

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